Monday 10th July, 2023, marked the occasion of the inaugural Past Presidents Meeting. Well, that’s how it turned out anyway.
In fact it was a catch-up with Wayne “Ollie” Oliver, who was visiting Geelong for a meeting. Ollie now lives in Hawkesdale, near Warnambool, but remains a member of the club he was instrumental in forming. Surfcoast Corvettes was formed in 2014 by a small group of Corvette owners who wanted a club to run their own Club Permit Scheme. Ollie was elected as the first President.

The catch-up took place at the “Wharf Shed” in Eastern Beach Rd Geelong. Peter and Mark, the next two Presidents of Surfcoast Corvettes, made up the group of three Corvette loving buddies for a good chat about the Club and the world in general.
It was agreed the Past Presidents’ Lunch would be a worthwhile event to continue in future. Ollie, Peter and Mark will be the only attendees for the immediate future as we don’t expect to add to the list of Past Presidents any time soon.