After a break of three years during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Stingray Run, hosted by the Central Vic. Corvette Owners Group, finally returned. A number of our members got in an early start to the weekend by heading up to Shepparton on the Friday afternoon.
After checking into our rooms at the Parklake Motel, we held the obligatory ‘gutter party’ around the outside of our rooms, sharing a few drinks and snacks. It was then off to a Shepparton restaurant, travelling by Maxi Cab. A certain amount of celebration ensued regarding the Premiership success of the (Mighty) Cats just a few days prior. A couple of our team (who shall remain nameless) slipped into celebration mode, although it was not appreciated by all!
Saturday morning saw us all head to Nagambie, lead by the Vetters from Central Vic, where we were joined by the team from Corvettes of Melbourne. There followed a leisurely lunch at the Nagambie Rowing Club with its picturesque views over the lake. There followed a convoy cruise back to Shepparton taking in some great views along the way. Many of us then visited the MOVE (Museum of Vehicle Evolution) on the way back, marvelling at the upgrades since we had last visited.
After another catch up at the Motel, this time adding the Melbourne team and more, we wandered over to the dining room at the Parklake to finish off a fabulous day. Most of us from Geelong chose not to attend the car show in Euroa, opting to have a sleep-in and return quietly home. We have been told that we missed out on an excellent car show, but it was nice to get home early on Sunday afternoon.