The Surfcoast Corvettes 2022 AGM was held on 2 November, 2022 at the Peninsula Hotel, plus on Microsoft TEAMS.
As with all Annual General Meetings, all Committee positions were declared vacant and and nominations were taken for the positions. As Mark Andre had completed two years as President, he was not eligible to re-stand for the position. This triggered a shuffle in all the executive committee positions.
Earlier in the meeting, a resolution was passed to change the club’s Bylaws to amend the composition of the Committee. The committee will now compose the Executive Committee members (President, Vice-President, Secretary & Treasurer, plus two Ordinary (non-office holders) members. It was also passed that a Membership/Permit Officer would be appointed by the Committee as an ex-officio member. This reduced the total number of Committee Members to seven members.
There was only one nomination for each of the office bearing positions and two nominations for the non-office bearing positions, so no voting was necessary.
The composition of the new Surfcoast Corvettes, Inc Committee is as follows –
President: Jenny Supple
Vice President: Jade Mills
Secretary: Colin Macgowan
Treasurer: Maria Humphreys
Non-Office #1: Betty Andre
Non-Office #2: Stuart Supple
Membership/Permit Officer: Peter Greenhorn
Congratulations to all the Committee Members for attaining their new positions and special congratulations to Maria who retains her position as Treasurer. Maria has been our treasurer since the club was founded back in 2015.